Town Party 4-28-13 A

Thank you everyone for attending the annual “I Love Kailua” Town Party on Sunday, April 28th 2013. As always, the Lani-Kailua Outdoor Circle did a tremendous job in throwing Kailua’s best community party.  Keep it Kailua’s booth was extremely popular with attendees who showered us with support and appreciation for our efforts to preserve Kailua’s residential character and residential housing supply.

Of course, there are always a few sour grapes in the crowd. One such sour grape had the audacity to tell us he supported illegal vacation rentals in our neighborhoods because “local” residents make lousy neighbors! That comment sounded reminiscent of the former leader of Hawaii’s Vacation Rental Owners Association who wrote a commentary boasting “The long-term renters who would replace short-term renters (vacationers) would be in our neighborhoods, day in and day out. They would crowd the neighborhoods with extra cars; their kids would crowd our overcrowded schools. They would commute with the rest of us and the “pride of ownership” in neighborhoods would diminish”.

Maybe it’s time for this sour grape to also return back to the mainland?

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